Metro Postpones Scheduled Fare Increase
A scheduled fare increase in July for Metro transit services has been postponed. The fare increase would have raised MetroBus and MetroLink base fares by 25ยข to $2.25 and $2.50, respectively. Ray Friem, Chief Operating Officer of Transit Services for...

Seventeen Minutes for the Northeast Corridor
The northeast corridor is the only true high speed rail line in the United States. Despite the unique distinction, the corridor is still considered painfully slow and unreliable, especially when compared to its perceived potential. Focusing on the northern half...

Where to Next for MetroLink?
With the passage of Proposition A, expansion of MetroLink is a real possibility. The sales tax increase has allowed Metro to escape a “death spiral” and has put the agency on a firm financial footing. The question everyone is asking,...

East-West Gateway’s Website Needs Updating
East-West Gateway’s website is old and outdated. Not surprising for a design that likely harkens back to the beginning of this millennium. The design, however, reflects poorly on the agency responsible for the proper allocation of hundreds of millions of...

Clayton Looks to Narrow Its Downtown Streets, Improve Pedestrian Realm
Sasaki Associates has been working with the City of Clayton, recently, to update and revise their central business district master plan. Among the many recommendations made in the draft report released last month are improvements to pedestrian space in downtown...

A Sea of Support for Proposition A
The Political Fix blog on the STLtoday.com website managed to acquire the township level results from Tuesday’s Proposition A vote. Upon finding the data, I set about mapping the results to better visualize and compare them to the Proposition M...

Some of the Purported “Facts” About Proposition A Used by Citizens for Better Transit
In their campaign against Proposition A, Citizens for Better Transit claims to be an organization fighting for the poor and against government waste. However, many of the claims made on their own website (once you get past the over the...

Turn the Proposition A Map Blue
Two weeks from today, St. Louis County voters will have another chance to vote for a sales tax proposal to support public transit in the St. Louis region. Proposition A is a half-cent sales tax that is estimated will bring...

The Economic Impact of Highway Removal Is Zero
According to a survey performed by HDR Consulting in coordination with MoDOT, the two-year closure of I-64 had no discernible economic impact on businesses near the highway as compared to businesses elsewhere in the St. Louis region. HDR Consulting believes...

MoDOT Selling Potential MetroLink R.O.W. in Olivette
For a while now, MoDOT has been selling surplus property it no longer needs advertising many of the properties on its Realty for Sale website. This, in general, is a good thing as MoDOT can use the revenue it makes...

Bike St. Louis Map Needs Updating
Google unveiled a new “bicycling” layer and bike directions, today, for their Google Maps product. The new layer shows bike lanes and trails in over 150 cities across the US. Google’s new “bicycling” layer. // Google Maps. Google’s foray into...

A History of Transit Sales Tax Initiatives: St. Louis County
Sales tax initiatives in St. Louis County Date Sales Tax Result August 1994 0.25% Passed November 1997 0.25% Failed November 2008 0.5% Failed April 2010 0.5% ? St. Louis County has the largest population and number of jobs of any...