MoDOT to Squeeze Additional Capacity Onto I-270
Come 2012, commuting on I-270 between I-44 and Manchester Rd will become a little easier and faster. MoDOT is planning on adding an additional lane in each direction to portions of the route, reducing travel times by up to two...

Let Bikes Through
Biking is relatively easy across most of the City of St. Louis. The street grid makes it easy to get around and easy to find a street with light vehicular traffic… most of the time. Other times, biking within the...

Does Laclede’s Landing or the Arch Need Washington Avenue?
MVVA, the winning design team in the Arch grounds competition, proposes closing Washington Avenue from Memorial Drive to the Mississippi River. The competition jury, on the other hand, had very strong feelings towards keeping the road in place. Washington Ave...

Memorial Drive Parking Garage
Parking was a major concern of many of the design teams in the Arch grounds design competition. For example, from the narrative of the MVVA team’s winning proposal: Our proposal instead harnesses the power of parking, and spreads it over...

The Arch Parking Puzzle
Parking at the Arch grounds is, today, singularly focused on the existing parking garage at the north side of the Arch grounds which has 1224 parkings spaces. By 2015, the garage will almost certainly have fewer spaces as every single...

Should Memorial Drive Be Closed to Vehicles?
The Arch grounds design competition currently underway could potentially bring about major changes to Memorial Drive and the western border of the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial. Every design team proposes a cap over I-70 between Chestnut and Market which would...

On the Eads Bridge, Another Chance to Reclaim Space for Pedestrians and Bicyclists
The Eads Bridge closed on December 15, 1991 to facilitate construction of stations for the soon to be MetroLink light rail line. Unfortunately, construction uncovered severe corrosion on many of the trestles supporting the road deck resulting in the road...

The Missouri South Interchange
The Missouri South Interchange, a reconfiguration of the Missouri approach to the Poplar Street Bridge, is one of the many deferred components of the Mississippi River Bridge project currently under construction. With the rerouting of I-70 across the new bridge,...

Bike Trail Construction Begins in Forest Park
Back on July 22, Forest Park Forever announced a $3 million gift from Mary Ann Lee and The Crawford Taylor Foundation to complete the dual path system in Forest Park. The new path will extend from Steinberg Rink to the...

Missing: Fourth Crosswalk at Signalized Intersections
MoDOT recently completed a set of projects on Lindbergh Blvd and New Halls Ferry to upgrade the pedestrian facilities. These projects included improving and adding sidewalks and curb ramps, pedestrian crossings, and upgraded access to bus stops. [These projects] also...

DeBaliviere’s Green and Narrow Future
Back on July 8, the Federal Transit Administration awarded the Loop Trolley project $25 million as part of its Urban Circulator Grant program. Other major streetcar grant winners included Charlotte, Cincinnati, and Fort Worth. The federal funding puts the $44...

Much Ado About Interstate 70 Traffic Downtown
MoDOT is worried about traffic issues that may result from the replacement of I-70 downtown with an urban boulevard as proposed by City to River. From an STLtoday Road Crew discussion: Linda Wilson: [MoDOT’s] position is that after we build...