The antithesis of transit-oriented development. That’s what I called the plan for the site adjacent to the Sunnen MetroLink station that is currently under construction, a Mini car dealership surrounded by more than 500 parking spaces.
Then I found this image and description on Cozad Commercial Real Estate’s website which shows the next phase of development.

Sunnen’s goals for Sunnen Station are to establish a master plan that will allow for future growth, development and adaptability to change in our constantly changing real estate market; as well as promote the lifestyle of the development, including access to transit, greenways and an urban mix of uses as a highly desirable place to work.
What a load of crap.
Cross-posted at nextSTL.
“access to transit”? The whole site is currently a big swath of inaccessible dirt. I don’t take Metrolink regularly, but if I did I’d be extra pissed because currently it is not possible to walk to the Sunnen station from the south or west. One has to walk all the way north to the Maplewood station. As it is I avoided using the train for a concert recently. An email to Cozad and Maplewood got no response. Metro said they’d bug them, at least.
When any development becomes welcomed development in Maplewood, then they might as well become unincorporated. Afterall, this is a product of their local planning, which lacks distinction from any other place.
The sunnen station has always mystified me. A more logical location would have
been at Big Bend, closer to many residences and a good transfer point for buses.
Next would have been parking allowed by Sunnen, which it was not. The only saving
grace was severl moderate income apartments, plus small single family houses. But
these were all wiped out by the new development described above. My only expla=
nation is that some deal was made with Sunnen as part of the acquisition of right
of way through the property.